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Confirming Bank

DC Workflow

DC Workflow
Advise a DC with or without confirmation
Advise a DC amendment with or without confirmation

Presentation Workflow

Presentation Workflow
View and Forward/Return a presentation


Sending a P2P message
Replying to a P2P message


Advise a DC with or without confirmation

When a DC is issued by the issuing bank, and contains a confirmation party, it is sent to the confirming party to add a confirmation. Similarly if the DC has been advised earlier without confirmation, then the beneficiary may send it to the confirming party requesting to add a confirmation.

Video Guide (click here)


The maker users of the confirming bank receive a notification email.

  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC application to be confirmed. The status will be Issued - Maker to review. The DC details will be shown.
  3. Review the DC conditions and decide whether you want to advice with confirmation or without.
  4. Click on Advise with confirmation or Advise without confirmation as based whether your bank wants to add confirmation or not.

    Note: This decision can be made after consulting with the beneficiary through general P2P messages.

  5. Add your reference to the DC (requested confirming party's DC reference)
  6. Preview the details once more and click on Submit. You will be redirected to the summary page.
  7. DC status will say Issued - checker to review.
  8. The checker will receive a notification email.


The checker receives a notification mail once the maker has performed and submitted an action.

  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC application to be confirmed. The status will be Issued - Maker to review. The DC details will be shown.
  3. Check the details and click on Verify. Confirm the action on the pop-up box. You will be redirected to the summary page.
  4. DC status will say Issued - approver to review.
  5. The approver will receive a notification email.


The approver receives a notification mail once the checker has performed and submitted an action.

  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC application to be confirmed. The status will be Issued - Approver to review. The DC details will be shown.
  3. Check the details and click on Approve. Confirm the action on the pop-up box. You will be redirected to the summary page.
  4. DC status will say Issued and advised - advising bank to review. If the DC contains a nominated bank, then the status will say Issued and advised - nominated bank to review.
  5. The advising/nominated bank maker will receive a notification email.

Advise a DC amendment with or without confirmation

Video Guide (click here)


The users will receive a notification email when the issuing bank issues an amendment to a DC.

  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC that was amended. The amendment status will be Amended - Maker to review. The DC amendment tab. You can see the Overview of previous amendment requests as well as the original DC. Click on the draft version to be issued. You can see a summary of the changes. Click on View.
  3. Review all changes (highlighted for easy reference).
  4. Click on Advise with confirmation or Advise without confirmation as based whether your bank wants to add confirmation or not.

    Note: This decision can be made after consulting with the beneficiary through general P2P messages.

  5. After completing the form, click on Preview.
  6. Review the form and click on Submit. You will be redirected to the summary page.
  7. The DC status will be Amended - checker to review.
  8. System sends a notification email to the checker.


  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC that was amended. The Amendment status will be Amended - checker to review. The DC Amendments tab will be shown. Click on the draft version to be verified. Review the summary of the changes and click on View to see full DC details.
  3. After completing the verification, click on Verify. Confirm the action in the pop-up dialog box.
  4. The DC status is changed to Application submitted - approver to review
  5. System sends a notification email to the approver.


  1. On the left menu, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC that was amended. The Amendment status will be Amended - approver to review. The DC Amendments tab will be shown. Click on the draft version to be verified. Review the summary of the changes and click on View to see full DC details.
  3. After completing the verification, click on Approve. Confirm the action in the pop-up dialog box.
  4. The DC status is changed to Amended - advising bank to review.
  5. System sends a notification email to the next party.

View and Forward/Return a presentation


Video Guide (click here)

  1. On the left pane, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC with the presentation. The Presentation status of this record will be Bank review - Maker to review
  3. You will see the DC and all presentations (DP1, DP2 etc) on the left pane. Click on the DP to be reviewed. You will see the Overview, cover letter from beneficiary and all documents to be presented by the beneficiary. Click on each heading to review the presentation.
  4. To forward the presentation, click on Forward button at the bottom of the form. (To return it to the previous party, click on Return.)
  5. Upon forwarding, a blank cover letter will be created to be filled by the Maker. Click on Save to save the cover letter.
  6. You may optionally provide a notice of completeness, which will be shown at the bottom of the DP form pages.
  7. Click on Preview to preview the submission. Click on Submit to complete the maker process. You will redirect to the summary listing page, presentation status updated as Bank review - checker to review.


Video Guide (click here)

  1. On the left pane, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC with the presentation. The Presentation status of this record will be Bank review - checker to review
  3. You will see the DC and all presentations (DP1, DP2 etc) on the left pane. Click on the DP to be reviewed. You will see all documents including your bank's cover letter. Click on each heading to review the presentation.
  4. Click on Verify if everything is fine. Click on Decline to return it to the maker. Add optional comments in the confirmation pop-up box.
  5. You will redirect to the summary listing page, presentation status updated as Bank review - approver to review.


Video Guide (click here)

  1. On the left pane, click the Export DC tab
  2. In the summary listing, click on the DC with the presentation. The Presentation status of this record will be Bank review - approver to review
  3. You will see the DC and all presentations (DP1, DP2 etc) on the left pane. Click on the DP to be reviewed. You will see all documents including your bank's cover letter. Click on each heading to review the presentation.
  4. Click on Approve if everything is fine. Click on Decline to return it to the maker. Add optional comments in the confirmation pop-up box.
  5. You will redirect to the summary listing page, presentation status updated as Bank review - issuing bank to review