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Issuing a DC

Upon receiving the DC application, the Issuing Bank may either issue the DC (4b/4c) or return the DC (4a) to the applicant. When issuing the DC, the Issuing Bank would have to enter:

Issuing bank's DC reference

Additional conditions (issuing bank input, optional)

Instructions to paying/accepting/negotiating bank (optional)

Once issued, every party in the flow will be able to view the DC. The DC will then be forwarded to the Requested Confirmation Party (if any), the Nominated Bank, and the Advising Bank.

Once the Maker creates an DC issuance, and is verified and approved by the checker/approver, the DC is considered as Issued on the Contour platform. The status of the DC is updated to Issued.

This is comparable to the issuing bank sending an MT700 message via SWIFT.

Comparison with MT700

MT700 field no. MT700 field name Comparable field in Contour Remarks
27 Sequence of Total Not required
40A Form of Documentary Credit Key terms - Form of documentary credit
20 Documentary Credit Number Banks - Issued DC reference
23 Reference to Pre-Advice Not available
31C Date of Issue Key terms - Issued date
40E Applicable Rules Key terms - Applicable rules
31D Date and Place of Expiry Key terms - Expiry date, Expiry place
51A Applicant Bank Banks - Issuing bank, legal name, address
50 Applicant Corporates - Applicant, legal name, address
59 Beneficiary Corporates - Beneficiary, legal name, address
32B Currency Code, Amount Key terms - Currency and Amount
39A Percentage Credit Amount Tolerance Key terms - Tolerance
39B Maximum Credit Amount Not available
39C Additional Amounts Covered Key terms - additional amounts covered
41A Available With ... By ... Banks - Credit available with, Available by
42C Drafts at ... Banks - Credit available by This field will be shown when credit availability is by Acceptance or Negotiation
42A Drawee Banks - Credit available by This field will be shown when credit availability is by Acceptance or Negotiation
42M Mixed Payment Details Banks - Credit available by, Payment conditions Select multiple credit availability modes, and mention further conditions in Payment Conditions
42P Deferred Payment Details Banks - Credit available by - select deferred payment
43P Partial Shipments Shipment details - Partial shipment
43T Transshipment Shipment details - Transhipment
44A Place of Taking in Charge/Dispatch from .../ Place of Receipt Shipment details - Place of taking in charge
44E Port of Loading/Airport of Departure Shipment details - Port of loading
44F Port of Discharge/Airport of Destination Shipment details - Port of discharge
44B Place of Final Destination/For Transportation to.../ Place of Delivery Shipment details - Place of final destination
44C Latest Date of Shipment Shipment details - Shipment date/period
44D Shipment Period Shipment details - Shipment date/period
45A Description of Goods and/or Services Shipment details - Description of goods and/or services
46A Documents Required DC details - Documents required
47A Additional Conditions DC details - Additional conditions (from applicant), Additional conditions (from issuing bank)
49G Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary DC reference - Additional conditions (from issuing bank) Available for input only to the issuing bank
49H Special Payment Conditions for Bank only Not available - use P2P messages Available for input only to the issuing bank
71D Charges DC details - details of charges
48 Period for Presentation in Days Shipment details - Period of presentation
49 Confirmation Instructions Banks - Confirmation Instructions
58A Requested Confirmation Party Banks - Requested confirmation party
53A Reimbursing Bank Not available on Contour
78 Instructions to the Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank DC reference - Instructions to the Paying / Accepting / Negotiating bank
57A 'Advise Through' Bank Not available on Contour
72 Sender to Receiver Information Please use P2P messages for this


If the confirmation instructions is ‘Confirm’, the requested confirmation party will be able to advise the DC with or without adding their confirmation, or reject the DC (5).

If the confirmation instructions is ‘May add’, the requested confirmation party may reject, advise with or without confirmation. If the requested confirmation party advised the DC without adding its confirmation, the Beneficiary may then request confirmation from the Requested confirmation party.

When advising the DC, the Requested Confirmation Party would have to input its own reference number.

If the confirmation instructions is ‘Without’, there would not be a requested confirmation party and the DC will be sent from the Issuing Bank to the Nominated Bank.

Advising a DC

After the DC is issued and optionally confirmed by the confirming bank, the nominated and advising bank may advise or reject the DC (6 & 7).

When advising the DC, the Nominated Bank and Advising Bank would have to input its own bank’s reference number.

If a bank rejects a DC, then further updates or amendments to the DC will not be sent to the bank.

SWIFT messages

MT730: Acknowledgement

Audit logs are updated at all stages to reflect each party's action on the DC. Further, notification emails are auto triggered when there are actions on the DC. This is comparable to sending MT730 (Acknowledgement) to the sending bank.

MT710: Advice of a Third Bank’s Documentary Credit

When the confirming/nominated/advising bank advice the DC on Contour, it is comparable to sending a SWIFT MT710 message to the next party.


The issuance flow ends when all the banks have advised (or rejected) the DC. The beneficiary can now either

  • Request for an amendment
  • Present documents

Once all the banks have advised the DC, the beneficiary may request confirmation from the Requested Confirmation Party if confirmation instructions is 'May add' and the Requested Confirmation Party has previously advised without giving its confirmation.

Note that the beneficiary is able to view the DC and it's contents right from the initial stage (during application). So they do not have to wait for the DC to be explicitly advised before viewing the contents. The DC is visible to them throughout the application and issuance journey.