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Email Notifications

Contour contains an email engine, which triggers email notifications to the users as and when there are updates to DCs involving their organisation.

Administrators can customise which emails are received by a specific user. Mails are classified as:

Internal / External emails


These are triggered due to internal maker/checker/approver workflow updates. For example, checkers receive an email when the maker has submitted a DC application for checking.

The mail subject will indicate that the email is about updates internal to your company.

Sample: Internal email


These are triggered due to updates on the transaction, by any party. For example, when a presentation has been sent by the beneficiary, the nominated bank receives an email.

Sample: Internal email

Action / notification emails

Action emails

Based on your role, you may have to perform an action on a DC, amendment, presentation or a P2P message. In such a case, you will receive an email alert. For eg, when the applicant sends a DC application to the Issuing bank, the maker users in the issuing bank will receive an Action email, so that they can log into the system to review and issue the DC. Action emails are also sent for internal workflow activities. For example, if the maker submits an amendment, the checker will receive an email to prompt further action.

Sample Action email

When the beneficiary presents documents to the Nominated Bank, the maker users in the bank will receive:

Subject: You have an action on a Document Presentation Action email sample

Notification emails

These are sent for all key updates to the DC, amendment, presentation or Peer to peer messages. For example, when the DC is issued, the users in applicant, beneficiary and the next bank (advising/confirming bank) will receive a notification email.

Sample Notification email

When the confirming bank advises a DC with confirmation, the applicant, issuing bank, nominated bank and beneficiary users will receive:

Subject: [Contour] Thorn Valley Bank has acted on a Document Credit Notification email sample

Email preferences

If you do not wish to receive too many emails, or want to control which email types are sent out to you, please ask your administrator to toggle the action, notification, or both type of emails if necessary. The toggle options are available in User administration.

By default, action emails are turned on, and notification emails are turned off.

Email preferences setup