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Upgrading Policy

Contour's Development Process

Our development and release management process is dependable and takes into consideration the internal processes that our Members have. Release Candidates ("Test") versions will be made available for testing prior to the General Availability of each Major and Minor version. Members may choose to engage with testing by installing and testing our the Release Candidate versions.

Upgrade Policy

Members are required to upgrade to a new Major version (or a newer minor or patch version) within the Upgrade Period of the new Major version being released. Contour anticipates releasing minor versions every quarter and Major versions bi-annually, with patches being released as required.

  • A "Major version" is signified by the increment of the integer to the left of the first decimal 2.0.0
  • A "Minor version" is signified by the increment of the integer to the right of the first decimal 2.1.0
  • A "Patch version" is signified by the increment of the integer to the right of the second decimal 2.1.1
  • A "Release" is the general availability Contour Application as listed on this website and notified to Members
  • The "Upgrade Period" is 90 calendar days

API Versioning and Support Policy

Each API endpoint will be versioned separately. The API endpoint version nomenclature will be will be single integer that will be incremented only where a breaking change has been made.

eg: /api/v1/locapp/apply -> /api/v2/locapp/apply

Upon the release of an updated endpoint, the previous version(s) will be marked as "Deprecated". Deprecated APIs will be removed in subsequent release occurring after a period of at least 6 months. Notice of deprecated APIs will be made available in the release notes in which the API has been deprecated.

Upgrades for Self-Managed Members

Members may request the Live and Test versions via the support portal. Test versions must only be connected to the Staging environment.

Upgrades for Cloud Members

Cloud Members will be upgraded during a Routing Maintenance period.

Upgrade Principals

Update activity is subject to the following general principles:

  • Minimal Downtime: Upgrades will avoid loss of business continuity for users to the maximum extent possible.
  • Zero data loss: Upgrades will retain continuity of user data through the course of the update.
  • Immediate Rollback: Upon an unsuccessful upgrade, the service will be returned to its previous state, prior to the start of the upgrade